Saturday, December 5, 2009

But Faith refused to be made uncomfortable. Besides she had a plan that would put everything right. So she put the past with its mistake behind her and gave herself over to enjoyment of the present. Jem went away to fish.

In these matters yourself isn't that right?' 'I suppose ' Alan said. 'But something like this is a little bit . . . well outside the normal run of police business. ' Stark threw back his head and laughed. The twins looked toward the sound and laughed along with him. Alan glanced at Liz and saw terror and hate on her face. And there was something else there as well wasn't there? Yes. Alan thought it was.
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As the spray washed down the side window of the Chevy and the glass cleared again the other vehicle slowed. Its taillights dwindled until it had gone perhaps a hundred yards along the colonnade of trees where it came to a full stop on the roadway. "No " Joey said. Out there on Coal Valley Road the red brake lights were like the radiant eyes of a demon in a dream frightening but compelling alarming but mesmerizing. "No. " He turned his head and stared at the night-cloaked county road in front of him the route that he'd taken twenty years ago. It had been the wrong highway then but it was the right one now. After all he wasn't headed back to college as he had been that night; now he was forty years old and bound for Scranton where he had to catch a commuter flight to Pittsburgh in the morning. On Coal Valley Road the taillights glowed. The strange car.
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